West Coast IPA
Label text:
HELLO… Hello… hello BEER… Beer… beer PEOPLE… People… people ENJOY… Enjoy… enjoy THIS… This… this ECHO… Echo… echo WEST COAST… West Coast… west coast IPA… Ipa… ipa FROM… From… from US… Us… us… us… us
Story text:
The quote ”What I wanna do right here is go back….” prompted us to embark on a journey exploring our roots in all and everything that is neo-old-school American-style IPAs. We wanted to again find our bitter bite, malty body, and pine forest citrussy properties.
We picked up some pieces of our history. Some pale ale malts, pilsner malts, crystal malts, adding Amarillo, Cascade, Chinook, and Columbus hops. And then, we rounded it off with just the right amount of bubbles. Pinball West Coast IPA was born.
Then, it was time to go up. Electro was a continuance. An aim at perfecting, at refining, to better. A dream to elevate. A little more here. A little less there. Tying the unbalanced balance of an actual west coast IPA together.
Now, we’re tweaking it even further. Slight change in maltbill, Switching Amarillo for Simcoe. Like your voice, but sung back to you. Repeater!
7,5% vol.
Water, BARLEY MALT, hops (Cascade, Chinook, Columbus, Simcoe), yeast
Sold as:
Can 500 ml, and keg
One-time brew
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