Fifty Fifty
Salty Licorice and Raspberry Sour
Label text:
Give me a salty. SALTY! Give me a sour. SOUR! Give me a licorice. LICORICE! Give me a raspberry. RASPBERRY! Give me a candy. CANDY! You get the idea. Straight forward in all its complexity. Yummy!
Story text:
We have a history of doing raspberry and licorice beers. With this one, we wanted to replicate a famous Swedish candy, the raspberry and licorice skull. (Google it.) Why? Well, as we’ve said before, because sometimes you get an idea you just can’t shake and because the taste combo is such a given for sour beer.
It took a bit of salty, raspberry, and sour deliciousness, but in the end, we got there. And in doing so, we thought candy replicating sours might be a thing. Then, we stopped brewing it. So, who knows. But now it’s back for an encore!
As one of our most ever requested beers to bring back, here it is! There is a new design, packaging, and the same puckering Saturday treat. Thanks to everyone who got in touch. This one’s for you. Ka-blammo!
6% vol.
Water, BARLEY MALT, wheat malt, Lactobacillus, licorice, raspberry, yeast
Sold as:
Can 330 ml, and keg
In production
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Release date: