Rye Lager
Label text:
We like crisp beer! Wait, what!? We like crisp beer to! We also like rye malt. What!? *mind blown*. Collab!
Story text:
The days around festivals have always been a good source for collaborations. While traveling to a festival, especially if you're traveling far, filling the trip with other events, collaborations, and whatnot helps justify the often significant cost. Festivals are also a good way of meeting other breweries.
So, when the festival MBCC 2022 rolled around, we poured next to Benchtop Brewing Co., out of Norfolk, VA, USA. We started talking and, as you do, tried out each other's beer. Talked some more. Tried some more. Talked. Tried. You get the deal. We learned they were also coming to Sweden for Brewskival - a kick-ass festival in Helsingborg - so a collaboration brew was quickly penciled in.
During all that talking and trying, we quickly realized we all like crisp beers. So the initial idea was to brew just that with day-old bread from a local bakery. But we didn't find any bread. And, since we also like Rye malt, that had to do. And how it did! Crisp, North Germany-ish with a perfect rye character. To festivals!
4,9% vol.
Ingredients: Water, BARLEY MALT, RYE MALT, hops, yeast
Sold as:
Keg only
One-time brew
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