Kveik IPA
Label text:
Hops that bring out citrusy, floral, and sweet fruity notes in the beer combined with a yeast variety that produces the taste and aromas of fresh tangerine, mango, and pineapple. Yes, and yes. Fast!
Story text:
One of the ways to get your beer into Systembolaget — the Swedish liquor monopoly — is by answering when they publish a tender request. Not long ago, they posted one asking for a kveik IPA. And we answered.
Now, kveik IPA's were all the rage a few years ago. And we brewed one back then. Then we moved on. Many ideas are floating around the brewery, and we have many beers to brew. It's always on to the next. Now though, we had a chance and a reason to go back.
Kveik is a family of Norwegian farmhouse yeasts with unique taste and aroma properties. And we thought those properties would work nicely with fruit-forward hops like Amarillo and Citra. (Other than that, there's too much to write about kveik yeast here, so we suggest googling it.)
We think this beer will go down a treat. And fast. Like, really fast. Kveik, quick, swoosh!
6,5% vol.
Water, BARLEY MALT, WHEAT, OATS, hops, yeast
Sold as:
Keg only
One-time brew
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