Pitcher’s Perfect
Pale Ale
Label text:
When sessionable, fun, and easy-going translate to a beer, it becomes A Pale Ale with a fresh tone, a balanced hoppy body, and a lush bite. Just perfect!
Story text:
Six years ago — insane that it has been that long — we got asked by Swedish pub chain Pitcher’s if we could not do a beer for them —something sessionable, fun, and easy-going. We brewed a hoppy lager. We named it Brad Pitcher. Yeah, we know. Still, they’ve asked us to brew for them again this year — the same brief: something sessionable, fun, and easy-going. But, even if the brief’s stayed the same, times have changed. So for us, the brief now translates to a hazy, pale ale bursting with hops. And, it’s perfect. Pitcher’s Perfect! We hope it does not take another six years for them to ask us again.
4,6% vol.
Contains: Barley malt, wheat, oats
Pale Ale
Sold as:
Keg only
Exclusive brew
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