Elegant Cacao
Imperial Chocolate Stout
Label text:
Elegant Cacao is the older sibling or perhaps parent of Cocoa Cacao. Where Cocoa Cacao is full on, in your face, chocolate candy bar maximus, Elegant Cacao is more laid back, contemplative, like a layered fine chocolate praline asking for after thought. Exquisite!
Story text:
Don’t get us wrong. We love all the pastry beers. Some of you don’t, but we do. As long as there are classic alternatives, we’re happy for beer to expand. And, we’re happy to drink those beer-expanding beers. With this beer, we wanted to do one of these classic alternatives. This time as an alternative to our own pastry stout, Cocoa Cacao. The same base beer, the same ingredients, but maybe brewed so that you need to go in search of it more than having it scream right at you. Maybe it’s a Yin and Yang thing, some sort of universal balance or maybe we just love making new beers. Could be both!
11.5% vol
Water, BARLEY MALT, RYE MALT, OAT MALT, chocolate, coconut, vanilla, hops, yeast
Imperial stout
Sold as:
Keg only
One-time brew
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